Robservations | The Finer Things

Rob Lee has a lot of opinions, many of which can’t be contained to Robcast so here’s Robservations.

Hey man Rob Lee here and I have something on my mind – the finer things.

That’s right, fancy shit, caviar dreams and Moet wet dreams. Bong! Luxury can be doable – it’s hard but we have to treat ourselves. When I worked for Verizon as a Marketing Analyst all I did was work. Work, Work, Work like Rihanna or Meek Mill. I rarely enjoyed what my large paycheck afforded me. I bought shit to keep up with the Joneses – turns out I hated them. I would go on a family trip with my girlfriend’s family and otherwise “Save Dat Money”.

Over the years, my sending habits have changed and I became more materialistic – some might say. I just like nice shit. I usually don’t get super excited for things, but for experiences – whether it’s wearing something nice to an event – for example: this year I wore an oversized long coat – I call it my Ric Flair robe – it was great. The cost didn’t matter – just how I felt. That’s something I was lacking in spending money earlier, when I had more. It’s like it matters more.

Finer things

So, my girlfriend’s birthday is two months after mine. We have a practice of treating each other well – it’s service of the relationship; doing something nice for a person you care about. My girl and our friends went out for a night on the town in January in Fells Point. During our stroll for ice cream, we saw the Sagamore Pendry. My girl made an off-hand comment about how much a place like that would cost. A few weeks later she told me she wanted to stay there for her birthday. I told her no problem and I made it happen. I looked up the place and got some of her input and made it happen. The suite we had was pretty expensive but worth it. This place is the definition of a luxury hotel.

The Experience

I went to the hotel with plans of meeting my girl who was coming back to town. She was flying in and would arrive later that night so I checked in to enjoy some of the amenities and get comfortable with our room.  I arrive and noticed a few things – the place was packedpeople spend money on nicetiesour room was enormousthe suite was bigger than my first apartment – and, the service was exemplary – I’m a stickler for good service, some people take jobs and demonstrate shitty customer service despite working in a job which life’s blood is customer service.  With some time to kill so I started watching Silence of the Lambs on Cinemaxthey had premium cable to my surprise.

Japanese drinkery

I wanted a drink so I go to the Canon Room and have a killer drink call Shibuya which is made with Suntory Whiskey. I was lit! After some time, I returned to my room to watch Monday Night Raw. By the end of hour one, my girl texts me to inform me of her flight landing and she was headed over which excited me. Excited for her potential excitement of seeing how dope the Pendry is and how good our room is. She arrived and we ordered dinner and drank wine – a bottle of a Rose she’d been looking for. We had a nice dinner of Spaghetti Pomdoro (Me) and Swordfish over a Vegetable Crudite (her).

Final Thoughts

From all accounts she enjoyed herself, taking pictures and enjoying the waterfront view. This is a memorable day for me and as she told me a memorable birthday for her. I’m happy to have been a part of it and to spend money on something meaningful, the finer things. I was happy to spend what I spent (it’s pretty gauche to say the amount, wouldn’t you agree?) for one night with my favorite person in the world.



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